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(COOL Shocking Pink Anise-Scented Sage) Dusky green bracts support the pastel magenta blossoms of Salvia COOL Shocking Pink. It’s a hummingbird favorite with bright green, fragrant foliage that may remind you of licorice.

(Himalayan Sage or Kashmir Sage) The word "hians" in Salvia hians means "gaping" and refers to the hanging lip of this sage's flowers, which bloom from late spring through early fall.  This may or may not the "true" species as it is described, hence the term aff or affnis in the name, which indicates that this plant is related to, has an affinity to, but is not identical to Salvia hians.

(COOL Periwinkle Anise-Scented Sage) Dusky green bracts cup the lavender-blue blossoms of Salvia COOL Periwinkle that attract hummingbirds. The fragrance of its bright green leaves may remind you of licorice.

(VIBE® Ignition Cranberry Sage) A perfect companion to our Best of Breed 'Ignition White', Ignition Sunrise has deep cranberry red flowers that are rare in a Jame Sage hybrid. They bloom spring to fall for your enjoyment.

(SALLYFUN™ Blue Lagoon Sage) You can expect early and long bloom from SALLYFUN™ ‘Blue Lagoon', a dwarf border sage with dense, aromatic foliage. Its spikes of deep violet-blue flowers attract bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds.

(Indigo Spires Sage) Salvia ‘Indigo Spires’ gains its name from long spikes of rich, deep purple-blue flowers that stand tall and also arch and twist gracefully. It is a chance hybrid discovered  growing amid Salvia farinacea and Salvia longispicata at Southern California's Huntington Gardens.

(Elk Vermilion Tropical Sage) Tall and full of large, orange flowers, Salvia coccinea 'Vermilion' is a clonal variety developed by FBTS.

(Spanish Sage) From the dry, rocky shrublands of Spain and Southwestern France comes this tidy sub-shrub, where it grows in association with Spanish Lavender and Rosemary. Think tough, drought resistant and heat tolerant.
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Results for areas from the blog

Salvias Down South
1. Salvias Down South: 15 Thirsty Salvias for Florida
Flowers by the Sea grows Salvias that are already popular in the Southeast as well as others we would like to introduce to gardeners seeking thirsty flowering plants that can also adjust to dry spells. Many are fine choices for Florida hummingbird gardens. Our suggestions are organized into categories based on moisture tolerance – average and ample -- as well as sun requirements.
2. Battles in the Salvia Garden: Controlling Spider Mites - Part I
Salvias often suffer when spider mites become legion in gardens. This is Part 1 of a two-part series about understanding and overcoming these dangerous pests. As summer temperatures rise, so do the numbers of the family Tetranychidae -- spider mites -- especially if conditions are dry. Controlling spider mites in your Salvia garden may be as simple as keeping plants hydrated and regularly spraying the little nippers off foliage. Or it may take a number of interventions, including biological controls, such as predatory mites, as well as the use of insecticidal soaps, oils and pesticides
Hummingbirds in the Garden
3. Hummingbirds in the Garden: Attracting Hummingbirds to Your Garden
Planting a hummingbird garden filled with nectar-rich, long-blooming Salvias aids preservation of hummingbird species that migrate each year throughout North America. It also gives you a front-row seat to a fascinating aerobatics show. Backyard islands of colorful sages are like gas stations for hummingbirds' long-distance journeys. Salvias can keep your garden whirring with the helicopter-like flight of hummingbirds from spring through autumn and -- in warm climates -- into winter.
Salvia Small Talk
4. Salvia Small Talk: Raised Beds for Sage
Raised bed gardening can help Salvias winter over in cold climates.
5. The Power of Scent
While it's true that not all Salvias smell, well, pleasant, many varieties are grown specifically for the aromatic or even sweet aromas that they release into the air. These ten Salvias are our top picks for the best-smelling varieties in the garden.
New at FBTS
6. Himalayan Sage Is the Salvia Collector’s Holy Grail: Part 1
For plant collectors, a mystique surrounds rare species like Salvia hians  (Himalayan or Kashmir Sage). This is especially true when there is uncertainty about what the plant should look like. Perhaps the most famous image of S. hians is a 2012 photograph of UK plant collector Chris Chadwell next to an abundantly blooming stand of large violet-blue flowers with white lower lips. Why doesn’t the Flowers by the See variety of this rare species look exactly like the plant Chadwell found — a plant that seems to be the Holy Grail of Salvia collectors? We’ll do our best to explain.
Salvias Down South
7. Salvias Down South: Tough Texans Sing the Blues
Blue Salvias bring peace to flower gardens. True blues, such as West Texas Grass Sage (Salvia reptans), are especially eye-catching. The same anthocyanins that make berries a healthy dietary choice also give them their colors. Similarly these chemicals create the wide variety of blues, purples and reds in the petals of flowers such as Salvias. Flowers by the Sea offers six varieties of tough Texas sages that can help you create a soulful garden bursting with blue. Drought-resistant and long-blooming, they grow happily in USDA plant hardiness zones 8 to 9, with some flourishing in areas as cool as Zone 4 and as hot as Zone 11.
Ask Mr. Sage
8. Ask Mr. Sage: How to Control Snails
Ask Mr. Sage is a Q&A feature from Flowers by the Sea. This one talks about how to ward off snails and slugs safely through simple organic methods, including barriers and handpicking, as well as through careful use of iron-phosphate pesticides. It also talks about how to nurse damaged Salvias back to health.
Salvia Small Talk
9. Salvia Small Talk: Deadheading Evergreen, Woody Salvias
Deadheading withered blossoms from evergreen, woody Salvia, such as Sacred White Sage, makes them tidy and repeats bloom. You can deadhead them throughout the growing season.
New at FBTS
10. Meet Salvia rosmarinus: A New Addition to the Sage Genus
Bees adore rosemary, the powerfully resinous Mediterranean native known both as a groundcover spilling over garden slopes and as an accent or tall hedge plant.  Plant scientists who closely examined its DNA suggest moving the Rosmarinus genus into the Salvia genus. Flowers by the Sea now grows two kinds of Salvia rosmarinus.
Salvia Small Talk
11. Salvia Small Talk: Winter Watering
Giving perennials, bushes and trees one or two heavy waterings during winter, on warmer days, prevents root damage
12. Salvia Small Talk: Zones & Climate Change
Have you double checked your USDA plant hardiness zone. You may be able to grow plants you weren’t possible in your area.