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Hummingbird Plant Picture Gallery

We love hummingbirds, and they love us back with lots of visits. That's because our gardens are abundant in tubular-shaped, nectar-rich hummingbird garden plants -- especially Salvias (true sages) and companion plants. Almost any sage attracts hummingbirds. However, this list is based on our best hummingbird flowers -- the ones hummers swarm in our garden and sneak into our greenhouses to visit.

True sages are mint family plants (Lamiaceae). You'll find a wide range of abundantly flowering sage plants here, especially ones from the Western Hemisphere. Over the years, we have noticed that hummingbirds seem to prefer mint-family plants from the West. This makes sense considering that native animals prefer native flora. Hummingbirds, sometimes called "flying jewels," don't live in the Eastern Hemisphere.

Plants and pollinators in a region coevolve to meet each other's needs. For example, the tube-shaped flowers of North and Central American Lamiaceae fit

Related Blog entries for plants in the Hummingbird Plant Picture Gallery

Hummingbird Falls Sage: Answers to Your Questions:

Hummingbirds are vital pollinators that need lots of rich nectar to survive and keep gardens blooming. Salvia BODACIOUS 'Hummingbird Falls' is a unique hanging basket plant that is a natural replacement for plastic nectar feeders.

Red Birds in a Tree: How a Rare Wildflower Became a Hummingbird Garden Star:

Red Birds in a Tree, known botanically as Scrophularia macrantha, is a rare, cold-hardy, Wild West perennial with cheery red flowers hummingbirds love. Southwest New Mexico botanist O.B. Metcalfe collected it in 1904.

5 Big Orange Bedding Plant Beauties for Hummingbirds:

You'll hear a lot about red when planting annuals for wildlife gardens, because hummingbirds garden love red, tubular, nectar-rich flowers. But orange is another hummingbird favorite not to be neglected. Flowers by the Sea suggests five long blooming species for your landscape that begin shouting "Orange, orange, orange" in spring when hummingbirds are big-time hungry now, now, now as they head north for the nesting season.

Sage Experts: Nancy Newfield, Hummingbird Gardener, Part III:

It is ironic that one of the least social types of birds inspires so much sociability in human beings. We refer to hummingbirds, which are the object of festivals and the communal effort of bird banding research nationwide. This is the third and final article in a series about renowned hummingbird expert Nancy L. Newfield, who grows many Salvias in her hummingbird gardens. We recount a visit to Louisiana to observe Newfield and her team banding hummingbirds in winter. You'll also find a rainbow of top hummingbird Salvias listed here.

(Photo credit: John Owens)

Sage Experts: Nancy L. Newfield's Hummingbird Journey:

Renowned hummingbird bander Nancy Newfield of southern Louisiana shares her journey from 1970s stay-at-home mom to citizen scientist and one of the nation's leading hummingbird researchers. This is the first article in a three-part series about Newfield's work and gardens, which abound with Salvias to feed hungry hummingbirds that overwinter in her suburban yard near New Orleans. It includes plant lists and the Louisiana Winter Hummingbird Project tally of banded hummingbirds from 1979 to 2015.

Portraits in Gardening: Michael and Kathi Rock's Hummingbird Journey:

A wedding gift led to Kathi Johnson Rock and Michael Rock's passion for hummingbirds. These Wisconsin birders offer tips and plant suggestions for hummingbird gardeners at FBTS. Although now known as Madison's "Hummingbird People," the Rocks aren't ornithologists or biologists. They are home gardeners and customers of Flowers by the Sea. This article includes a list of favorite hummingbird plants found in the Rocks' gardens.

Sage Experts: Nancy Newfield, Hummingbird Gardener, Part II:

Salvias are among the best hummingbird flowers and red is tops. That's what hummingbird researcher, Nancy L. Newfield began discovering more than 40 years ago. She found that  flower nectar was more attractive than nectar feeders. This is the second article in a 3-part series on Newfield and hummingbird gardening. It includes an excerpt from her book Hummingbird Gardens and an FBTS list of red hummingbird favorites. Bud Hensley photographed the hummingbird pictured here enjoying Salvia subrotunda.

Salvia Small Talk: Texas Hummingbird Roundup:

Head 'em up; move 'em out. Texas birders participate in an annual Hummingbird Roundup to gather information about the state's 18 species.

New at FBTS: Hummingbirds Thrive on Margie Griffith Sage:

A love of birds can grow into a passion for gardening. The reverse is also true. Sometimes these passions result in the development of excellent plants, such as Salvia x 'Margie Griffith' -- a 2017 introduction at Flowers by the Sea Online Nursery. Margie Griffith Sage grows up to 96 inches tall and wide in bloom. In some parts of its USDA Plant Hardiness Zones 8 to 11 it feeds hummingbirds nearly year round.

Sage Words about Wildlife: 4 Seasons of Hummingbird Salvias:

Regional differences in seasonal temperature and humidity affect the choice of Salvias to plant in hummingbird gardens. The varying seasons in which particular sages bloom and the part of the world where they originated also determine whether they attract hummingbirds. Flowers by the Sea Online Nursery offers suggestions based on regions and seasons.

Sage Words About Wildlife: Climate Change Alters Hummingbird Migration:

Nature doesn't come to a sudden, overall halt, when the timing of its ecosystems slip, including ones involving hummingbirds. Instead, change occurs gradually. Plants and the animals that pollinate them have coevolved to meet each other's needs. You can help by planting hummingbird habitat in your home garden. Learn more in the Everything Salvias Blog at FBTS Online Nursery.

A Community of Anise Scented Sages We Adore:

You might expect the foliage of a plant called Anise-Scented Sage (Salvia guaranitica) to smell robustly like licorice, which shares the same fragrance as anise. Some gardeners detect a hint of licorice after crushing a leaf, but many say the foliage merely smells sweet. These popular sages are native to Brazil where indigenous peoples used their leaves as a medicine. Flowers by the Sea grows many varieties in a wide range of sizes and flower colors

Ten Favorite Flowers for Butterflies and Hummingbirds:

Flowers that butterflies and hummingbirds favor are rich sources of nectar. But not all nectar-rich butterfly favorites are easy to access with long hummingbird beaks. Conversely, many flowers designed by nature to attract hummingbirds don't have the structure necessary for feeding butterflies or providing a perch. Here are ten Salvias and companion plants for backyard wildlife habitat that both butterflies and hummingbirds will enjoy.


6 Indispensable Hummingbird Flowers for Long, Easy Bloom:

Hummingbirds are like tiny combat jets dive bombing each other when staking claim to the nectar-rich flowers they need for survival. Fights over nectar habitat can reduce hummingbird gardens to single occupancy. FBTS Farm and Online Nursery details and tells stories about its top six hummingbird flowers. Plant lots of them to accommodate a village of hungry hummers.


Annual Salvias that Hummingbirds Adore:

If a hummingbird could talk, he or she would tell you it's hard work packing for a long journey. Consuming mightily from dawn to dusk, day after day, hummingbirds double their weight before migration. They can't afford to run out of fuel before their next meal. To help hummingbirds, particularly on their northward journey, home gardeners can celebrate the arrival of spring by planting gardens filled with early blooming Salvias and companion plants that are excellent annuals in areas where winters are too chilly for survival as perennials.

Book Review: Nature-Friendly Garden by Marlene A. Condon:

Reading Marlene A. Condon's Nature-Friendly Garden is like observing a game of toppling dominoes. All the pieces are lined up standing on end in a complex, maze-like pattern. Flick one domino and the whole structure tumbles. Similarly, the author shows how simple choices we make in our gardens have consequences that can build or destroy wildlife habitat.

Upcoming at FBTS: Hummingbirds Love Cute Cupheas:

Bright orange, tube-shaped blossoms cover Cuphea x 'David Verity' like tiny windsocks blowing in a breeze and beckoning hummingbirds. Similar to Salvias, Cupheas are rich sources of nectar that fuel hummingbird migration. At Flowers by the Sea, we are always interested in expanding choices for creating wildlife habitat. So we are growing a wide variety of Cupheas for sale this coming spring, including David Verity.

Ask Mr. Sage: What Hummingbird and Butterfly Salvias Tolerate Lots of Moisture:

Ask Mr. Sage answers questions based on calls and emails that Flowers by the Sea receives. This one explains how to cruise the Flowers by the Sea online catalog to find butterfly and hummingbird Salvias that can handle lots of moisture.

Portraits in Gardening: Ward Dasey:

Portraits in Gardening is a blog series from Flowers by the Sea that profiles customers who are passionate about the Salvia genus. This article focuses on wildlife gardener, birder and dedicated volunteer Ward W. Dasey III, who grows Salvias at New Jersey's Palmyra Cove Nature Park. Dasey and nature-loving friends proposed the park to make bird watching easier on the Delaware River.

Hummingbirds in the Garden: Attracting Hummingbirds to Your Garden:

Planting a hummingbird garden filled with nectar-rich, long-blooming Salvias aids preservation of hummingbird species that migrate each year throughout North America. It also gives you a front-row seat to a fascinating aerobatics show. Backyard islands of colorful sages are like gas stations for hummingbirds' long-distance journeys. Salvias can keep your garden whirring with the helicopter-like flight of hummingbirds from spring through autumn and -- in warm climates -- into winter.

Salvia Small Talk: Backyard Wildlife Habitat:

Gardeners interested in developing wildlife habitat on balconies or in backyards can acquire certification

Sage Words About Wildlife: Birdbath and Hummingbird Feeder Care:

Sometimes it is difficult for hummingbirds to get all the nectar they need from the garden, even if you have many Salvias. Hummingbird feeders supplement mother nature and attract a crowd of the Family Trochilidae. Water features, including misters, are also good attractants. However, both feeders and water features need to be kept clean so they don't harm hummers.

How David Verity Cuphea Became a Famous Hummingbird Flower:

When massed in borders or standing out as a main attraction in a container planting, Cuphea x ‘David Verity’ is a visual feast for people as well as an actual feast for small wildlife. Rich in nectar, the plant’s dainty, cigar-shaped, orange-red flowers nestle amid a cloud of mid-green leaves shaped like tiny garden trowels.

Hummingbird Falls Salvia: A Natural Nectar Nirvana:

Salvia BODACIOUS® ‘Hummingbird Falls’ is a natural substitute for sugar-water feeders. It’s also the world’s first hanging basket sage. Hummingbirds love this long blooming, cascading sage as you can see in this video filmed in a greenhouse at Flowers by the Sea (FBTS) Farm and Online Nursery. Hummingbird Falls is a heat-tolerant Salvia guaranitica hybrid developed at FBTS by Kermit Carter, who demonstrates how to plant it for optimum growth of its dense, glossy foliage and abundant, violet-blue flowers. Carter offers tips about choosing the best size and type of planters, selecting well-draining potting mix, avoiding soil compaction, and creating a snug planting hole that protects roots and encourages growth.

This video about Salvia BODACIOUS® ‘Hummingbird Falls’ is part of our Views from the Garden video series published in the FBTS Everything Salvias Blog. Flowers by the Sea is a farm and online, mail order nursery specializing in the Salvia genus.

Properties for plants in the Hummingbird Plant Picture Gallery
Name Mature height Mature width Flower color Bract color Exposure
Salvia x 'Anthony Parker' 4 to 5 feet 5 to 6 feet Strong Violet Dark Purple Full sun to partial shade
Salvia chiapensis 2 to 3 feet 2 to 3 feet Vivid Reddish Purple Moderate Red Partial shade
Salvia x 'Christine Yeo' 1 to 2 feet 2 to 3 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun
Salvia clevelandii 'Winnifred Gilman' 3 to 4 feet 3 to 4 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun
Salvia coccinea 'Forest Fire' 1 to 2 feet 1 to 2 feet Vivid Reddish Orange Dark Red Full sun to partial shade
Salvia confertiflora 5 to 6 feet 4 to 5 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun to partial shade
Salvia darcyi 'Pscarl' 2 to 3 feet 2 to 3 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun
Salvia dorisiana 3 to 4 feet 3 to 4 feet Vivid Purplish Red Strong Yellowish Green Full sun to partial shade
Salvia elegans 3 to 4 feet 3 to 4 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun
Salvia elegans 'Golden Delicious' 2 to 3 feet 2 to 3 feet Vivid Red Strong Yellowish Green Partial shade
Salvia elegans 'Honey Melon' 1 to 2 feet 1 to 2 feet Vivid Red Moderate Olive Green Full sun to partial shade
Salvia gesneriiflora 'Tequila' 6 feet plus 6 feet plus Vivid Reddish Orange Dark Purple Full sun
Salvia guaranitica 'Argentina Skies' 5 to 6 feet 5 to 6 feet Light Violet Strong Yellowish Green Full sun to partial shade
Salvia guaranitica 'Black & Blue' 3 to 4 feet 3 to 4 feet Strong Violet Dark Grayish Purple Full sun
Salvia x guaranitica 'Omaha Gold' 3 to 4 feet 3 to 4 feet Strong Violet Dark Purple Partial shade
Salvia guaranitica 'Van Remsen' 6 feet plus 6 feet plus Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun to partial shade
Salvia karwinskii 6 feet plus 6 feet plus Vivid Red Dark Red Full sun to partial shade
Salvia madrensis 6 feet plus 6 feet plus Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun to partial shade
Salvia madrensis 'Red Neck Girl' 5 to 6 feet 5 to 6 feet Vivid Yellow Brilliant Greenish Yello Full sun to partial shade
Salvia mexicana 'La Placita' 6 feet plus 6 feet plus Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun
Salvia mexicana var. minor 1 to 2 feet 1 to 2 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun
Salvia sagittata 2 to 3 feet 2 to 3 feet Vivid Purplish Blue Grayish Purplish Blue Full sun to partial shade
Salvia x 'Scarlet Spires' 2 to 3 feet 4 to 5 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun to partial shade
Salvia spathacea 1 to 2 feet 1 to 2 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun to partial shade
Salvia x 'Waverly' 3 to 4 feet 3 to 4 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun
Salvia dombeyi 6 feet plus 6 feet plus Vivid Reddish Orange Dark Red Partial shade
Salvia iodantha 6 feet plus 2 to 3 feet Vivid Purplish Red Strong Yellowish Green Full sun to partial shade
Salvia melissodora 2 to 3 feet 2 to 3 feet Light Violet Moderate Yellowish Green Full sun
Salvia buchananii 2 to 3 feet 2 to 3 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Partial shade
Salvia spathacea 'Avis Keedy' 1 to 2 feet 2 to 3 feet Light Greenish Yellow Strong Yellowish Green Full sun to partial shade
Salvia elegans 'Tangerine' 1 to 2 feet 2 to 3 feet Deep Yellowish Pink Moderate Red Partial shade
Salvia gravida 3 to 4 feet 3 to 4 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun to partial shade
Salvia x 'Big Swing' 2 to 3 feet 2 to 3 feet Vivid Violet Grayish Purplish Blue Partial to full shade
Salvia mexicana 'Limelight' 5 to 6 feet 3 to 4 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun to partial shade
Salvia x guaranitica 'Costa Rica Blue' 3 to 4 feet 3 to 4 feet Vivid Violet Dark Grayish Purple Full sun to partial shade
Salvia x 'John Whittlesey' 3 to 4 feet 3 to 4 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun
Salvia tubiflora 5 to 6 feet 5 to 6 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Partial shade
Salvia madrensis 'Silver Leaf' 6 feet plus 6 feet plus Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun to partial shade
Salvia iodantha 'Louis Saso' 6 feet plus 2 to 3 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun to partial shade
Salvia amarissima 2 to 3 feet 2 to 3 feet Strong Purplish Blue Strong Yellowish Green Partial shade
Salvia holwayi 3 to 4 feet 3 to 4 feet Vivid Red Dark Red Full sun
Salvia karwinskii x involucrata v. puberula 3 to 4 feet 3 to 4 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun
Salvia guaranitica 'Blue Ensign' 2 to 3 feet 2 to 3 feet Vivid Blue Strong Yellowish Green Full sun to partial shade
Salvia guaranitica 'Sapphire Blue' 1 to 2 feet 1 to 2 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun to partial shade
Salvia leucantha 'Danielle's Dream' 3 to 4 feet 3 to 4 feet Moderate Purplish Pink Pale Yellowish Green Full sun
Salvia microphylla 'Hot Lips' 1 to 2 feet 1 to 2 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun
Salvia microphylla 'Variegata' 1 to 2 feet 1 to 2 feet Vivid Red Moderate Red Full sun to partial shade
Salvia x 'Phyllis' Fancy' 5 to 6 feet 5 to 6 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun
Salvia mexicana x hispanica 'Byron Flint' 5 to 6 feet 5 to 6 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun
Salvia fulgens 3 to 4 feet 3 to 4 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun
Salvia x 'Pozo Blue' 2 to 3 feet 2 to 3 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun
Salvia fallax 3 to 4 feet 3 to 4 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Partial to full shade
Salvia semiatrata 2 to 3 feet 2 to 3 feet Vivid Violet Light Purple Full sun
Salvia purpurea 5 to 6 feet 3 to 4 feet Vivid Purplish Red Moderate Red Full sun to partial shade
Salvia wagneriana 'White Bracts' 5 to 6 feet 5 to 6 feet Strong Purplish Red Light Yellowish Green Full sun to partial shade
Salvia gesneriiflora 'Mountain Form' 6 feet plus 6 feet plus Vivid Reddish Orange Dark Red Full sun
Salvia x 'Raspberry Truffle' 3 to 4 feet 3 to 4 feet Deep Purplish Red Dark Red Full sun
Salvia discolor 'Purple Bracts' 1 to 2 feet 1 to 2 feet Dark Grayish Purple Pale Yellowish Green Full sun to partial shade
Salvia leucantha 'Greenwood' 3 to 4 feet 3 to 4 feet Yellowish white Vivid Violet Full sun
Salvia munzii 3 to 4 feet 3 to 4 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun
Salvia involucrata 'Hadspen' 5 to 6 feet 5 to 6 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun to partial shade
Salvia dichlamys 'Super Elk' 3 to 4 feet 3 to 4 feet Vivid Reddish Orange Strong Yellowish Green Full sun to partial shade
Salvia leucantha 'Purple Dwarf' 2 to 3 feet 2 to 3 feet Vivid Reddish Purple Light Purple Full sun
Salvia coccinea 'Summer Jewel Red' 1 to 2 feet 1 to 2 feet Vivid Reddish Orange Dark Red Full sun to partial shade
Salvia coccinea 'Coral Nymph' 1 foot or less 1 foot or less Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun to partial shade
Salvia mexicana 'Ocampo' 6 feet plus 6 feet plus Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun to partial shade
Salvia mexicana 'Puerto de la Zorra' 6 feet plus 6 feet plus Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun to partial shade
Salvia microphylla var. neurepia 3 to 4 feet 3 to 4 feet Vivid Red Deep Yellowish Green Full sun to partial shade
Salvia microphylla 'Red Velvet' 3 to 4 feet 3 to 4 feet Vivid Reddish Orange Dark Red Full sun to partial shade
Salvia spathacea 'Topanga' 1 to 2 feet 1 to 2 feet Deep Pink Moderate Purplish Red Partial shade
Salvia spathacea 'Powerline Pink' 3 to 4 feet 3 to 4 feet Vivid Purplish Red Moderate Red Partial shade
Salvia spathacea 'Las Pilitas' 1 foot or less 1 foot or less Strong Purplish Red Dark Red Partial shade
Salvia greggii 'Dark Dancer' 3 to 4 feet 3 to 4 feet Strong Purplish Red Moderate Olive Green Full sun to partial shade
Salvia regla 'Huntington Gardens Form' 5 to 6 feet 5 to 6 feet Vivid Reddish Orange Strong Reddish Orange Full sun
Salvia microphylla 'Royal Bumble' 3 to 4 feet 3 to 4 feet Strong Red Dark Red Full sun to partial shade
Salvia greggii 'Wild Thing' 2 to 3 feet 2 to 3 feet Vivid Purplish Red Dark Red Full sun to partial shade
Salvia leucantha 'Midnight' 2 to 3 feet 2 to 3 feet Vivid Purple Vivid Violet Full sun
Salvia leucantha 'White Mischief' 2 to 3 feet 2 to 3 feet Yellowish white Very Pale Green Full sun
Salvia pitcheri grandiflora 3 to 4 feet 3 to 4 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun to partial shade
Salvia cinnabarina 5 to 6 feet 5 to 6 feet Vivid Red Dark Green Full sun to partial shade
Salvia carnea 3 to 4 feet 3 to 4 feet Dark Red Dark Red Partial to full shade
Salvia splendens 'Sao Borja' 5 to 6 feet 5 to 6 feet Deep Purplish Red Dark Red Partial shade
Salvia ionocalyx 3 to 4 feet 3 to 4 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun to partial shade
Salvia eizi-matudae 2 to 3 feet 2 to 3 feet Vivid Reddish Purple Strong Yellowish Green Full sun to partial shade
Salvia 'Amistad' 3 to 4 feet 3 to 4 feet Deep Purple Dark Purple Full sun to partial shade
Salvia greggii 'Furman's Red' 2 to 3 feet 2 to 3 feet Strong Red Dark Red Full sun to partial shade
Salvia leucantha 'Santa Barbara' 2 to 3 feet 3 to 4 feet Vivid Reddish Purple Light Purple Full sun
Salvia splendens van houttei 'Burgundy' 3 to 4 feet 3 to 4 feet Deep Purplish Red Vivid Red Partial shade
Salvia spathacea 'Elk Rose' 2 to 3 feet 2 to 3 feet Strong Purplish Red Dark Red Partial shade
Salvia x 'Celestial Blue' 2 to 3 feet 2 to 3 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun
Salvia coccinea 'Brenthurst' 1 to 2 feet 1 foot or less Pale Purplish Pink Dark Red Full sun
Salvia mexicana 'Russell's Form' 6 feet plus 5 to 6 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun to partial shade
Salvia gesneriiflora 'Mole Poblano' 6 feet plus 6 feet plus Vivid Reddish Orange Dark Purple Full sun to partial shade
Salvia microphylla 'Honey Rose' 3 to 4 feet 3 to 4 feet Vivid Reddish Orange Strong Yellowish Green Full sun to partial shade
Salvia x 'Gayle Nielson' 3 to 4 feet 3 to 4 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun
Salvia puberula x univerticillata 3 to 4 feet 3 to 4 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun
Cuphea x 'David Verity' 3 to 4 feet 3 to 4 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun to partial shade
Cuphea x 'Kristen's Delight' 3 to 4 feet 3 to 4 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun to partial shade
Cuphea micropetala 1 to 2 feet 2 to 3 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun to partial shade
Agastache x 'Ava' 3 to 4 feet 2 to 3 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun
Agastache x 'Kudos Coral' 1 to 2 feet 1 to 2 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun
Agastache x 'Kudos Mandarin' 1 to 2 feet 1 to 2 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun
Leonotis leonurus 6 feet plus 5 to 6 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun
Cuphea schumannii 3 to 4 feet 3 to 4 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun to partial shade
Cuphea 'Minnie Mouse' 2 to 3 feet 2 to 3 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun to partial shade
Cuphea 'Strybing Sunset' 2 to 3 feet 2 to 3 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun to partial shade
Salvia libanensis 6 feet plus 5 to 6 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun to partial shade
Salvia libanensis 'Pink Form' 6 feet plus 5 to 6 feet Vivid Reddish Orange Vivid Reddish Orange Full sun to partial shade
Salvia 'Fancy Dancer' 1 to 2 feet 2 to 3 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun to partial shade
Cuphea aff. aequipetala 1 to 2 feet 3 to 4 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun to partial shade
Cuphea nelsonii 1 to 2 feet 3 to 4 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun to partial shade
Anisacanthus wrightii 'Select Red' 2 to 3 feet 2 to 3 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun
Anisacanthus wrightii 'Pumpkin Orange' 2 to 3 feet 2 to 3 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun
Salvia sp. from Smith College 3 to 4 feet 2 to 3 feet Brilliant Purplish Blue Dark Purple Full sun
Salvia coccinea 'Snow Nymph' 1 to 2 feet 1 to 2 feet Yellowish white Strong Yellowish Green Full sun to partial shade
Salvia coccinea 'Lady in Red' 2 to 3 feet 2 to 3 feet Vivid Reddish Orange Dark Purple Full sun to partial shade
Salvia coccinea 'Summer Jewel Pink' 1 to 2 feet 1 to 2 feet Strong Yellowish Pink Dark Red Full sun to partial shade
Salvia greggii 'Stormy Pink' 3 to 4 feet 3 to 4 feet Moderate Purplish Pink Dark Red Full sun to partial shade
Salvia brandegeei x munzii 'Pacific Blue' 2 to 3 feet 2 to 3 feet Light Violet Dark Red Full sun
Salvia sp. SL411 2 to 3 feet 2 to 3 feet Vivid Reddish Orange Moderate Olive Green Full sun to partial shade
Lobelia laxiflora var angustifolia 3 to 4 feet 2 to 3 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun
Leonotis nepetifolia 6 feet plus 5 to 6 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun
Salvia x 'Betsy's Choice' 4 to 5 feet 5 to 6 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun to partial shade
Salvia atrocyanea 6 feet plus 5 to 6 feet Strong Violet Strong Yellowish Green Full sun to partial shade
Salvia mexicana 'Lolly' 5 to 6 feet 5 to 6 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun to partial shade
Salvia x 'Ember's Wish' 3 to 4 feet 3 to 4 feet Vivid Red Moderate Red Full sun to partial shade
Salvia x 'Love and Wishes' 2 to 3 feet 2 to 3 feet Deep Purplish Red Dark Purple Full sun to partial shade
Salvia elegans 'Freida Dixon' 3 to 4 feet 3 to 4 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun
Salvia mexicana 'Huntington Garden Form' 6 feet plus 5 to 6 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun to partial shade
Sinningia 'Shelby' 2 to 3 feet 1 to 2 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun to partial shade
Salvia microphylla 'Killer Cranberry' 2 to 3 feet 2 to 3 feet Deep Red Strong Yellowish Green Full sun to partial shade
Salvia Windwalker® Royal Red 3 to 4 feet 3 to 4 feet Vivid Red Dark Red Full sun
Salvia x 'Alegria Light Pink' 4 to 5 feet 4 to 5 feet Vivid Purplish Red Dark Purple Full sun
Salvia amethystina subsp. ampelophylla 5 to 6 feet 3 to 4 feet Vivid Violet Strong Yellowish Green Full sun to partial shade
Salvia mexicana 'Blue Seniorita' 6 feet plus 4 to 5 feet Deep Violet Strong Yellowish Green Full sun
Salvia involucrata 'Boutin' 5 to 6 feet 5 to 6 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun to partial shade
Salvia karwinskii 'Ted's 18 footer' 6 feet plus 6 feet plus Deep Pink Strong Yellowish Green Full sun to partial shade
Salvia mexicana 'Queretaro' 6 feet plus 5 to 6 feet Strong Violet Strong Yellowish Green Full sun to partial shade
Salvia x 'Alegria Dark Pink' 4 to 5 feet 4 to 5 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun
Sinningia 'Scarlet O'Hara' 3 to 4 feet 3 to 4 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun to partial shade
Salvia greggii alba x dorisiana 3 to 4 feet 3 to 4 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun to partial shade
Salvia coccinea 'Summer Jewel White' 1 to 2 feet 1 to 2 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun to partial shade
Salvia x 'Jean's Jewel' 3 to 4 feet 3 to 4 feet Vivid Purple Strong Yellowish Green Full sun to partial shade
Salvia x 'Wendy's Wish' 3 to 4 feet 3 to 4 feet Strong Purplish Red Strong Yellowish Green Full sun to partial shade
Cuphea salvadorensis 3 to 4 feet 3 to 4 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun to partial shade
Salvia splendens van houttei 'Faye Chapel' 2 to 3 feet 2 to 3 feet Vivid Red Vivid Reddish Orange Partial shade
Salvia guaranitica 'Elk Argentina Skies' 5 to 6 feet 3 to 4 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun to partial shade
Salvia BODACIOUS 'Rhythm and Blues' 3 to 4 feet 3 to 4 feet Vivid Violet Dark Grayish Purple Full sun to partial shade
Salvia splendens van houttei 'Elk White' 5 to 6 feet 2 to 3 feet Pure White Light Greenish Yellow Partial shade
Agastache 'Blue Boa' 2 to 3 feet 2 to 3 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun
Salvia x Envy 'Elk' 4 to 5 feet 3 to 4 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun to partial shade
Salvia cuatrecasana x guaranitica 'Elk Magenta' 3 to 4 feet 3 to 4 feet Deep Purple Strong Yellowish Green Full sun to partial shade
Salvia durifolia 'Elk Blue' 2 to 3 feet 2 to 3 feet Strong Violet Strong Yellowish Green Full sun to partial shade
Salvia rypara x durifolia 'Elk' 2 to 3 feet 2 to 3 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun to partial shade
Salvia guaranitica 'Purple Haze' 3 to 4 feet 3 to 4 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun to partial shade
Salvia retinervia 6 feet plus 6 feet plus Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun
Salvia x 'Margie Griffith' 6 feet plus 6 feet plus Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun to partial shade
Salvia dichlamys x microphylla 'Elk Red-Violet' 2 to 3 feet 2 to 3 feet Vivid Reddish Purple Dark Red Full sun to partial shade
Salvia x 'Big Blue' 2 to 3 feet 1 to 2 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun to partial shade
Salvia x 'Skyscraper Pink' 2 to 3 feet 2 to 3 feet Very Pale Purple Grayish Red Partial to full shade
Salvia x 'Skyscraper Orange' 2 to 3 feet 2 to 3 feet Strong Red Moderate Reddish Orange Partial to full shade
Salvia x 'Arctic Blaze' 2 to 3 feet 3 to 4 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun to partial shade
Salvia scutellarioides 'Elk True Blue' 1 foot or less 4 to 5 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Partial to full shade
Salvia x 'Elk Orange Spires' 3 to 4 feet 2 to 3 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full Sun to partial shade
Salvia x 'Elk Cranberry Red' 3 to 4 feet 2 to 3 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun to partial shade
Salvia x 'Elk Screamin' Scarlet' 3 to 4 feet 2 to 3 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun to partial shade
Salvia splendens van houttei 'Elk Giant Orange' 6 feet plus 3 to 4 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Partial shade
Cuphea ignea 2 to 3 feet 2 to 3 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun to partial shade
Salvia VIBE® 'Ignition Fuchsia' 1 to 2 feet 1 to 2 feet Vivid Reddish Purple Dark Grayish Reddish Bro Full sun to partial shade
Salvia x 'Elk Raspberry Moose' 2 to 3 feet 2 to 3 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun to partial shade
Salvia darcyi x splendens 'Roman Red' 2 to 3 feet 2 to 3 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun to partial shade
Salvia Fashion Cherry 2 to 3 feet 3 to 4 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun to partial shade
Salvia COOL Fandango 3 to 4 feet 3 to 4 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun to partial shade
Salvia COOL Lavender Blush 4 to 5 feet 3 to 4 feet Vivid Violet Moderate Brown Full sun to partial shade
Salvia COOL Lavender Mist 3 to 4 feet 3 to 4 feet Vivid Violet Moderate Yellowish Green Full sun to partial shade
Salvia apiana var. compacta 2 to 3 feet 2 to 3 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun
Salvia chiapensis 'Elk Giant' 3 to 4 feet 5 to 6 feet Vivid Reddish Purple Moderate Red Partial shade
Salvia BODACIOUS 'Smokey Jazz' 3 to 4 feet 3 to 4 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun to partial shade
Salvia x 'Elk Morning Sun' 2 to 3 feet 2 to 3 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun to partial shade
Salvia x 'Elk Blue Moon III' 1 to 2 feet 1 to 2 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun to partial shade
Salvia x 'White Flame' 2 to 3 feet 1 to 2 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun to partial shade
Salvia x 'Elk Grape Ape' 2 to 3 feet 2 to 3 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun to partial shade
Salvia x 'Elk Smokey Grape' 2 to 3 feet 2 to 3 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun to partial shade
Scrophularia macrantha 3 to 4 feet 1 to 2 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun
Salvia x 'Elk Pink Cloud II' 2 to 3 feet 2 to 3 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun to partial shade
Salvia 'Paula Flynn' 2 to 3 feet 2 to 3 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun
Salvia COOL Pink Lace 3 to 4 feet 3 to 4 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun to partial shade
Salvia COOL Wild Strawberry 3 to 4 feet 3 to 4 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun to partial shade
Cuphea Hummingbird’s Lunch 2 to 3 feet 3 to 4 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun to partial shade
Cuphea Blackberry Sparkler 1 to 2 feet 2 to 3 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun to partial shade
Salvia BODACIOUS 'Hummingbird Falls' 1 to 2 feet 3 to 4 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun to partial shade
Salvia aff. S. sagittata 'Elk Giant Form' 6 feet plus 5 to 6 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun to partial shade
Salvia VIBE® 'Ignition Sunrise' 1 to 2 feet 1 to 2 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun to partial shade
Salvia COOL Shocking Pink 3 to 4 feet 3 to 4 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun to partial shade
Salvia BODACIOUS 'Jammin Jazz' 2 to 3 feet 2 to 3 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Partial shade
Salvia COOL Periwinkle 4 to 5 feet 3 to 4 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun to partial shade
Salvia VIBE® 'Ignition Cranberry' 1 to 2 feet 1 to 2 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun to partial shade
Cuphea purpurea 'Firecracker' 1 foot or less 1 to 2 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun to partial shade
Agastache x 'Poquito Butter Yellow' 1 foot or less 1 to 2 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun
Salvia 'Indigo Spires' 3 to 4 feet 3 to 4 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun to partial shade
Salvia darcyi 'Pscarl' [Clone] 2 to 3 feet 2 to 3 feet Not yet defined * Not yet defined * Full sun
* We have not yet defined this plants colors